Meer Candle Available location in Switzerland

Inside of 's Fachl Basel Store

Our products are available at 「’s Fach Basel」 in Switzerland.

Please check it when you come to Basel:)

Available location in Basel, Switzerland

<’s Fachl Basel>

addressSpalenvorstadt 39
4054 Basel
TEL+41 79 580 58 96
Opening hoursTue-Fri: 10-18:30
Sat: 10-17
HP‘s Fachl Basel

The way to the store

The location is on Spalenvorstadt.


It looks like in the story book.

The store is new so you can’t be found on Google Maps. Please put the address directly.

Spalenvorstadt 39
4054 Basel

It’s in front of the famous gate “Spalentor”. so you can enjoy shopping and sightseeing at there!


▼This is the store:)

's Fachl Basel

In the store

When you open the door of ‘s Fachl Basel, you will see a lot of products.

Inside of 's Fachl Basel

Please find Meer Candle from there. Our products are near by the door so you will find quickly for sure!

Please take our stuffs and smell it. Everything are handmade so each candle has its own character.

our candles

Please send me any requests if you want to see some other products at there.

Thank you for reading

「Meer Candle」is available at 「’s Fachl」and online shop 「Etsy」now.

Also, please feel free to contact us if you have any requests.

Thank you for reading and see you next time!

Meer Candle


  1. こんにちは、これはコメントです。
